Thursday, February 24, 2011

Who Dares to question Harry Potters Courage?

I've been having an argument with afriend of mine. He says harry potter gets his courage because he was attacked by Voldemort when he was two. I dis agree I beleive Harry Potter would have his own courage with or without Voldemort. Imean after all he's a Gryffindor and what are they known for? Their courage. And nobody but a true Gryffindor can get the Sword of Grffindor TWICE! My other key point is how can he get courage from someone who must be the biggest scardy cat in the world. I mean Voldemort killed tons of people so he could live froever whereas Harry wouldn't let voldemort kill people for him in fact he willing walked into death to save peoples lives. It's the polar opposite of Voldemort!

Another H.P. Picture 20 points from Hufflepuff for unacceptable use of sparkles:

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